Hey everyone! Excited to make some changes for the 2024 season!

As many of you know I have accepted a position at ProLine baits and moving forward I will be using all ProLine carp products on my trips. ProLine makes top of the line products and I have been using their baits in some capacity for many years and my confidence with their bait and flavorings could not be higher. Since joining the team, both records for biggest common and biggest buff for my guide service have been smashed!

I have also adjusted my pricing for 2024. In the past few seasons I have tried to keep my pricing as low as possible while still turning a profit but as things get more expensive (especially food, campground, and fuel costs) its getting harder to break even with my old pricing. The new pricing should allow me to better cater to clients on trips and provide some better food options as well as the most premium bait and tackle that I can get my hands on.

Very excited to announce a few new partnerships for the ’24 season including the Carp Angler store in New York (www.carpangler.com) as well as becoming an official guide for the American Carp Society (www.americancarpsociety.com). I will be happy to share more info about these new partnerships coming soon!

I’m offering boat trips now! Happy to be able to offer guide trips on the water on my Phoenix bass boat equipped with top of the line sonar equipment. We will fish typical euro style off the boat, but we will have the capability to watch the fish in real time using livescope and 360 sonar. These trips will include one hour of sonar and electronics training.

2024 is going to be a big year for CarpPro Texas Guide Service and i’m super excited to get out there with you guys!

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